About us

The ILoveBoobies Story –
In 2016, following a successful breast cancer awareness fundraising campaign, the ILoveBoobies Charity was incorporated. Our mandate is to educate and perform clinical screenings for South African women who have limited funds and access to medical facilities. Breast cancer is a disease with tremendous health risks amongst women. One in eight women of almost any group, will experience invasive breast cancer in her lifetime.
The majority of women who die from breast cancer live in low and middle-income countries, where most women are diagnosed in late stages due to a variety of factors. These include limited awareness on the part of the public and health care providers, and the lack of access to timely, affordable and effective diagnosis and treatment. What have socks got to do with it? Every woman who is screened receives a pair of socks, this serves as her reminder to self-examine each time she wears them. Early detection can save lives. It’s her best chance against Cancer
Our primary mission at ILoveBoobies is to provide free breast examinations to South African women who are unable to access such medical services due to financial, locational or social challenges. At the same time, we create awareness and support amongst and for the greater public.

How did the online store come about?
We were getting more and more requests from the public asking how they could support and where they could buy socks. Our e-commerce apparel store was launched in 2018. Since then we have sold 20 000 pairs of ILoveBoobies branded socks. Our customers and supporters demanded more. The online store has a variety of running, cycling & leisure socks, buffs, cycling jerseys, active T-shirts and more. Our socially conscious apparel allows you to buy cool sports & leisurewear, make a donation, get a receipt, and show others that you are supporting a great cause. All of our products are locally manufactured by South African women and we pride ourselves on premium quality so that you receive the best for your contribution.
The spirit of charity is philanthropy. Philanthropy means the love of humanity. A conventional modern definition is "private initiatives, for the public good, focusing on quality of life", which combines an original humanistic tradition with a social scientific aspect developed in the 20th century. Wikipedia We have 200 brave volunteer brand ambassadors all around the world who share the ‘early detection can save lives’ message and set a good example of what healthy, good energy living is all about. They embrace the ILoveBoobies name and cause proudly. Raising awareness and funds is hard work, but not if you are having fun while doing it. We know that by leading a healthy and active lifestyle you will greatly reduce your lifetime risk of cancer. We use this as a platform to inspire others to do the same. ILoveBoobies ZA NPC, registered Charity & Public Beneficiary Organization.
ILOVEBOOBIES ZA NPC is a Non-Profit Company Incorporated in South Africa, with the objective to aid ‘Community Health Care Services’. Its income and property are not distributable to its incorporators, members, directors, officers or persons related to any of them. ILOVEBOOBIES ZA NPC is a Company Not for Gain Incorporated under Section 71 of 2008, South African Companies Act and the Companies Amended Bill 40 of 2010. ILOVEBOOBIES ZA NPC 2017/386474/08 was registered on 4th of September 2017. ILOVEBOOBIES ZA NPC has Independent Volunteer Board Directors : CM Munch | NJ Webb | M Lombard | G van Niekerk.