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Fundraise for us

Get involved in making early detection a reality for more South African women

Our success stories

Cape Town based Rustenberg Girls' Junior School organizes an annual pink "civvies" day and sells socks and buffs to students, staff, and their families using a school mobile payment app. They talk to the girls about the work that ILoveBoobies does; raising awareness and keeping girls informed about how their donations are being used.


The school replaced all their ‘school socks’ with ILoveBoobies socks for their touring sports teams. Not only does this contribute to raising funds for our work  but it strikes up important conversations, on and off the playing fields.

Rustenberg Girls' Junior School

Cousins, Des and Franklin Haman raised over R 50 000 for ILoveBoobies whilst competing in  the 2023 ABSA Cape Epic.

As riding partners living and training on different continents, the GivenGain platform allowed them to sync their efforts by getting friends, family and work colleagues to support their cause.

Des and Franklin Haman

In March 2023, the PUMA Wellness committee hosted a Spinathon to raise funds and bring awareness to ILoveBoobies.

Puma’s internal team building and CSI program for 2023 is TIME (Together Implementing MAD (Make A Difference) Efficiency) More than 200 people participated in the fundraiser.

They raised R100 000 – 350 Women will receive free breast cancer screenings.


Danielle Wright,an ILoveBoobies ambassador, is in the fitness business and is a master organiser. She’s used her skills to host a cycle-a thon and a golf day, all in aid of ILoveBoobies.

Danielle Wright

ILoveBoobies is a registered charity - we do not sponsor athletes or events. Our primary purpose is to provide free breast health screenings to women in underserved communities in South Africa.