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5 times winner and joint record holder Karl Platt and Tomi Misser will ride the 2023 Absa Cape Epic in the Masters category to raise funds and awareness for ILoveBoobies.

We invite you to join us at the Reeds Tygerberg MTB club's night ride and social to kick off their fundraising campaign.

Night ride details

Where - Bloemendal Trail Park, Tygervalley

When - Thursday 16 March 2023

Time - 6-8pm

Dress - a little PINK!

This is a fundraising event:
1 Raffle ticket = R100 - one entry into the lucky draw

2 Raffle tickets = R200 - pair of ILoveBoobies socks and entry into the lucky draw

Amazing prizes from Ciovita, USN, JBL, ON Shoes, ILoveBoobies and a reveal of the 2023 jerseys signed by the legends themselves!

All welcome, bring family and friends and lets give Karl & Tomi a proper SA MTB welcome.

Mountain biking legends, Karl Platt and Tomás Misser – or Tomi as he is affectionately known – will be teaming up for the 2023 Absa Cape Epic. Not only will the Team Bulls and Mondraker riders be pursuing the NTT Masters category victory, which Platt won in 2022 alongside Christoph Sauser, but the pair will also be riding for a great cause too. Throughout the eight-day race they will be aiming to fundraise for the breast cancer screening charity, ILoveBoobies, in order to provide screenings for 500 women in historically disadvantaged communitie