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Tuesday and Thursday 4th and 6th July

This week we had 2 screenings at JD Kirsten Farms. On Tuesday we showed up at Keurfontein, a farm part of the JDK group. This is a venue we have been to before, but we go to the same locations every once in a while, to reintroduce the idea of breast health and in case they have new workers. Some of the same faces were there, although there were a lot of new ones, and we got to work educating the ladies. Our nurse for this week was the lovely sister Turner. With many years of nursing experience, we knew she could handle the 32 ladies we had to screen. She gave a speech to a hall filled with ladies, explaining the warning signs of breast cancer, how to reduce the risk and a basic overview of the examination itself. She then took the ladies one at a time to be screened in a private room where she reiterated the information and performed the examination.

Later in the week we went to their sister farm, Laborans, to screen the ladies there. We screened the 15 ladies there, making use of the creche they had on site as a place to do the screenings. Sister Turner handled the ladies one at a time, explaining the process and warning signs before examining them. All the ladies received pairs of socks and pamphlets to take home to family or friends. Hopefully spreading the knowledge to other women in their communities and encouraging them to take care of their breast health.

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