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Our second farm 'Along the Route' was the well known Wildekrans Wine Estate, not only for its exceptional wines, but for its great mountain bike routes. Many of our fundraisers have raced through this farm over the years. It was great to be able to give back to the supportive farm workers. 

On Thursday the 6th of April, the ILoveBoobies team of Alex and Salome arrived at Wildekrans Wine Estate. Located in Bot River, it is far from most medical facilities, and so we felt it was a great place to continue our work. We set up a privacy gazebo on site so the women can be screened without the worry of being seen during the procedure. The women gathered around to see what ILoveBoobies was all about. Some were a little concerned, but after a quick explanation, they were more than happy to participate in the screening.

21 women were screened with only 1 needing further medical intervention  She has been referred to Radiology for a follow-up mammogram.

There are still so many women in the area that we can still help, having seen the desperate situations some of the people in Bot River live in. We will be back to help whoever we can at our next screening which will be held at the Bot River Creche, where we hope to screen the Mums and Grannies of the kids that attend the creche. 

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